Functional measures and frailty in development and evaluation of medicines_Lancet Healty Longev 2023
Clinical decision support-assisted pharmacotherapy optimisation for older hospitalised patients. Lianne Huibers 2023
Medication optimisation in hospitalised older people with polypharmacy and multimorbidity. Bastiaan Sallevelt 2022
Module medicatiebeoordeling
Onderdeel van de multidisciplinaire richtlijn Polyfarmacie bij ouderen
Clinical Medication Review. Sanne Verdoorn 2019
Clinical Medication Review. Sanne Verdoorn 2019
Efficacy of the structured medication report 2013
Efficacy of the structured medication report 2013
Polyfarmacy Optimization Method for students mrt 2013
Polyfarmacy Optimization Method for students mrt 2013
number older people included in trial Beers 2013
number older people included in trial Beers 2013
Pharmacy-Medicine students knowledge EUGMS 2013
Pharmacy-Medicine students knowledge EUGMS 2013
Information needed for authorization about elderly Beers EACPT 2013
Information needed for authorization about elderly Beers EACPT 2013
Effect multicomponent transitional care Drenth 2012
Effect multicomponent transitional care Drenth 2012
Structured HIstorytaking Medication Drenth 2011
Structured HIstorytaking Medication Drenth 2011
Pursuit of userfriendly medicines. K. Notenboom 2017
Pursuit of userfriendly medicines. K. Notenboom 2017
Role of motivation in education. Tjin A Tsoi 2017
Role of motivation in education. Tjin A Tsoi 2017
ADR of antipsychotics in frail older patients v Strien 2017
ADR of antipsychotics in frail older patients v Strien 2017
Optimizing medication reviews through decision support 2016
Optimizing medication reviews through decision support 2016
Rational prescribing to older patients E. Beers 2014
Rational prescribing to older patients E. Beers 2014
management venous tromboembolism HJ Schouten april 2014
management venous tromboembolism HJ Schouten april 2014
appropriate prescribing for older people J. Drenth 2013
appropriate prescribing for older people J. Drenth 2013
Lithium in older patients E van Melick april 2014
Lithium in older patients E van Melick april 2014
Benefit risk of antipsychotics B Kleijer 2012
Benefit risk of antipsychotics B Kleijer 2012
Prescribing Safety Assessment 2016: Delivery of a national prescribing assessment to 7343 UK final-year medical students
Prescribing Safety Assessment 2016: Delivery of a national prescribing assessment to 7343 UK final-year medical students
Systematic review of the outcomes of medication review Beuscart et al. BrJCP2017
Systematic review of the outcomes of medication review Beuscart et al. BrJCP2017
Efficiency of STRIPassistant improves with experience
Efficiency of STRIPassistant improves with experience
review clinical pharmacology in old persons september 2012
review clinical pharmacology in old persons september 2012
views healthcare professionals info eldelry Plosone
views healthcare professionals info eldelry Plosone
Structured HIstorytaking Medication form Ephor 2011
Structured HIstorytaking Medication form Ephor 2011
Polypharmacy Optimization Method, May 2011 Ephor
Polypharmacy Optimization Method, May 2011 Ephor
Geriatric medicine strategy scientific guidelines
Geriatric medicine strategy scientific guidelines
Scientific guidelines Geriatric medicine strategy 2013
Scientific guidelines Geriatric medicine strategy 2013
Good practice guide on risk minimization medication errors
Good practice guide on risk minimization medication errors
Practical guide to stopping medicines in older people
Practical guide to stopping medicines in older people
Polypharmacy Optimization Method, May 2011 Ephor
Polypharmacy Optimization Method, May 2011 Ephor
Structured HIstorytaking Medication Drenth 2011
Structured HIstorytaking Medication Drenth 2011
reflection paper on physical Frailty EMA 2018
reflection paper on physical Frailty EMA 2018
EMA action plan to improve information in SmPC and PL for elderly
EMA action plan to improve information in SmPC and PL for elderly
Analysis product information Geriatric medicines strategy 2013
Analysis product information Geriatric medicines strategy 2013
Scientific guidelines Geriatric medicine strategy 2013
Scientific guidelines Geriatric medicine strategy 2013
Specific needs for research in geriatrics ESCP 2011
Specific needs for research in geriatrics ESCP 2011
Effect of medication recommendations generated with a decision support system on appropriate prescribing in older people in the pre-operative setting 2017
Effect of medication recommendations generated with a decision support system on appropriate prescribing in older people in the pre-operative setting 2017
Effect gestructureerde medicatie overdracht 2013
Effect gestructureerde medicatie overdracht 2013
Polyfarmacy Optimization Method for students mrt 2013
Polyfarmacy Optimization Method for students mrt 2013
number older people included in trial Beers 2013
number older people included in trial Beers 2013
Information needed for authorization about elderly Beers EACPT 2013
Information needed for authorization about elderly Beers EACPT 2013
Pharmacy-Medicine students knowledge EUGMS 2013
Pharmacy-Medicine students knowledge EUGMS 2013
Effect multicomponent transitional care Drenth 2012
Effect multicomponent transitional care Drenth 2012
Structured HIstorytaking Medication Drenth 2011
Structured HIstorytaking Medication Drenth 2011
STRIPassistant effectiveness IAGG Dublin 2015.docx
STRIPassistant effectiveness IAGG Dublin 2015.docx
ABSTRACT keijsers EUGMS sept 2014 phys-pharmacists CK_pj.docx
ABSTRACT keijsers EUGMS sept 2014 phys-pharmacists CK_pj.docx
Patient compliance with drug storage recommendations N. Vlieland 2018
Patient compliance with drug storage recommendations N. Vlieland 2018
Antipsychotics, delirium and glucose in older patients K. van Keulen 2018
Antipsychotics, delirium and glucose in older patients K. van Keulen 2018
Non-dispensing clinical pharmacists in general practice A. Hazen 2018
Non-dispensing clinical pharmacists in general practice A. Hazen 2018
Pursuit of userfriendly medicines. K. Notenboom 2017
Pursuit of userfriendly medicines. K. Notenboom 2017
Role of motivation in continuing education. S. Tjin A Tsoi 2017
Role of motivation in continuing education. S. Tjin A Tsoi 2017
Bijwerkingen van antipsychotica bij kwetsbare ouderen. A. van Strien 2017
Bijwerkingen van antipsychotica bij kwetsbare ouderen. A. van Strien 2017
Optimizing medication reviews through decision support. M. Meulendijk 2016
Optimizing medication reviews through decision support. M. Meulendijk 2016
Education in Pharmacotherapy. K. Keijsers 2015
Education in Pharmacotherapy. K. Keijsers 2015
Rational drug prescribing to older patients. E. Beers 2014
Rational drug prescribing to older patients. E. Beers 2014
Lithium in older patients. E. van Melick april 2014
Lithium in older patients. E. van Melick april 2014
management venous tromboembolism. H. Schouten april 2014
management venous tromboembolism. H. Schouten april 2014
Proefschrift nierfunctieschatting. Drion 2014
Proefschrift nierfunctieschatting. Drion 2014
appropriate prescribing for older people. C. Drenth 2013
appropriate prescribing for older people. C. Drenth 2013
Benefit risk of antipsychotics. B. Kleijer 2012
Benefit risk of antipsychotics. B. Kleijer 2012
Antipsychotic induced Parkinsonism. W. Knol 2011
Antipsychotic induced Parkinsonism. W. Knol 2011
‘Antipsychotics, delirium and glucose in older patients K. van Keulen 2018
‘Antipsychotics, delirium and glucose in older patients K. van Keulen 2018
Vitamine K antagonisten vs direct werkende orale anticoagulantia PIL 2018
Vitamine K antagonisten vs direct werkende orale anticoagulantia PIL 2018
Hypofosfatemie is risico bij intraveneus ijzerpreparaat PW 2018
Hypofosfatemie is risico bij intraveneus ijzerpreparaat PW 2018
effect van pravastatine bij ouderen JAMA Int Med 2017
effect van pravastatine bij ouderen JAMA Int Med 2017
Kennis van geneesmiddelen van belang voor de fysiotherapeut
Kennis van geneesmiddelen van belang voor de fysiotherapeut
Deprescribing, interview Farmaceutisch Weekblad 2016
Deprescribing, interview Farmaceutisch Weekblad 2016
Efficiëntie van STRIPassistant verbetert door ervaring 2016
Efficiëntie van STRIPassistant verbetert door ervaring 2016
therapietrouw bij Osteoporose Brouwers feb 2015
therapietrouw bij Osteoporose Brouwers feb 2015
Geneesmiddelen effecten meten Med Contact nov 2014
Geneesmiddelen effecten meten Med Contact nov 2014
Stoppen van niet geschikte medicatie in verpleeghuisbewoners- protocol BMJ open 12-10-2014
Stoppen van niet geschikte medicatie in verpleeghuisbewoners- protocol BMJ open 12-10-2014
Views healthcare professionals info elderly Plos One Beers 2013
Views healthcare professionals info elderly Plos One Beers 2013
Rationeel voorschrijven studenten artikel TvO 2013
Rationeel voorschrijven studenten artikel TvO 2013
Aanpassen medicatie voorkeur oudere patient Schuling NTVG 2013
Aanpassen medicatie voorkeur oudere patient Schuling NTVG 2013
Shaping medicinal product information (SPC) Vromans BMJ open 2013
Shaping medicinal product information (SPC) Vromans BMJ open 2013
rode vlaggen methode verzorgenden T LVW 2013 Sino
rode vlaggen methode verzorgenden T LVW 2013 Sino
calcium en vitamine D state of the art vd Velde et al.
calcium en vitamine D state of the art vd Velde et al.
Standpunt Cardiovasculaire Veiligheid van Calciumsuppletie bij Osteoporose bij Kwetsbare Ouderen
Standpunt Cardiovasculaire Veiligheid van Calciumsuppletie bij Osteoporose bij Kwetsbare Ouderen
Ephor en SIG Farmacotherapie brief aan ZINL Vit D en calcium sep 2016
Ephor en SIG Farmacotherapie brief aan ZINL Vit D en calcium sep 2016
WKGF standpunt Offlabel voorschrijven aug 2010
WKGF standpunt Offlabel voorschrijven aug 2010
Addendum richtlijn polyfarmacie bij ouderen in de tweede lijn 2018
Addendum richtlijn polyfarmacie bij ouderen in de tweede lijn 2018
Opioïden omrekentabel (bron Pallialine richtlijn Pijn 2016)
Opioïden omrekentabel (bron Pallialine richtlijn Pijn 2016)
Practical guide to stopping medicines in older people
Practical guide to stopping medicines in older people
Polyfarmacie Optimalisatie Methode Ephor 2011
Polyfarmacie Optimalisatie Methode Ephor 2011
indicatie op recept geneesmiddelenlijst Staatscourant 2011
indicatie op recept geneesmiddelenlijst Staatscourant 2011
Artsenverklaringen voor geneesmiddelen nov 2010
Artsenverklaringen voor geneesmiddelen nov 2010
Rode vlaggenlijst voor medicatiegebruik in de thuiszorg
Rode vlaggenlijst voor medicatiegebruik in de thuiszorg
Top 15 drugs in 2015 in the Netherlands % elderly
Top 15 drugs in 2015 in the Netherlands % elderly
Leidraad Medisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek bij Ouderen 2017
Leidraad Medisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek bij Ouderen 2017
IGZ rapport Zorg voor kwetsbare ouderen met polyfarmacie 2014
IGZ rapport Zorg voor kwetsbare ouderen met polyfarmacie 2014
Analysis product information Geriatric medicines strategy 2013
Analysis product information Geriatric medicines strategy 2013
Scientific guidelines Geriatric medicine strategy 2013
Scientific guidelines Geriatric medicine strategy 2013
Waarborgzegel bewegingsvrijheid Innivatiekring Dementie 2013
Waarborgzegel bewegingsvrijheid Innivatiekring Dementie 2013
Patiёntenperspectief op antistolling van veneuze trombose en longembolie (VTE) 2013
Patiёntenperspectief op antistolling van veneuze trombose en longembolie (VTE) 2013
RIVM-rapport Polyfarmacie bij kwetsbare ouderen 2013
RIVM-rapport Polyfarmacie bij kwetsbare ouderen 2013
Patientrelevantie orale antistolling bij atriumfibrilleren 2012
Patientrelevantie orale antistolling bij atriumfibrilleren 2012
Ephors geneesmiddelenrapporten ouderen april 2015
Ephors geneesmiddelenrapporten ouderen april 2015
Cardiovasculaire preventie bij 80+ januari 2015
Cardiovasculaire preventie bij 80+ januari 2015
Effectiviteit polyfarmacie module bij studenten 2014
Effectiviteit polyfarmacie module bij studenten 2014
Inclusion older people in trials Beers EUGMS 2013
Inclusion older people in trials Beers EUGMS 2013
Prescribing Optimization method for students EUGMS 2013
Prescribing Optimization method for students EUGMS 2013
European initiative healthy aging Gomez et al. 2012
European initiative healthy aging Gomez et al. 2012
Geriatric Roadmap – Lessons paediatrics Oct 2012 van Riet
Geriatric Roadmap – Lessons paediatrics Oct 2012 van Riet
Specific needs for research in geriatrics Jansen ESCP may 2011
Specific needs for research in geriatrics Jansen ESCP may 2011
Nieuwsbrief Ephor Geriatriedagen februari 2017
Nieuwsbrief Ephor Geriatriedagen februari 2017
muscarine-antagonisten bij urine-incontinentie interview FarmaMagazine 2017
muscarine-antagonisten bij urine-incontinentie interview FarmaMagazine 2017
Medisch Farmaceutische Mededelingen, nascholingstijdschrift
Medisch Farmaceutische Mededelingen, nascholingstijdschrift
Eindrapport met geneesmiddelrapporten augustus 2011
Eindrapport met geneesmiddelrapporten augustus 2011
One Click Demo Import – log_file_2018-08-03__12-07-16
One Click Demo Import – log_file_2018-08-03__12-07-16